Stage 3 lockdown – CEO update.

Roads Package and Road Occupation Charge.
The Victorian Government has announced a $340 million package to deliver more technology and resources to help keep traffic moving, reduce delays and provide drivers with better traffic information. Click here for more information via VicRoads.
In addition, the Government is reinstating the Road Occupation Charge on 20 July 2020 and implementing the Clearways Management Program.

Building Victoria’s Recovery Taskforce.
Another seven projects have received planning approval thanks to the fast-track work led by Government’s Building Victoria’s Recovery Taskforce (BVRT).
On the BVRT’s advice, the Planning Minister is also in the process of calling in projects that have become stuck with council or VCAT.
Click here for more information on progress made by the BVRT.
We commend the work of the BVRT and have written to the Treasurer and Minister for Planning urging them to extend the BVRT with a mandate focussed on implementation and supporting industry through the recovery period.
We have also urged them to consider establishing a Standing Advisory Committee comprised of industry members to provide advice and feedback from the sector to inform policy responses and decisions.