UDIA Victoria Urban Renewal Award

This award recognises projects that demonstrate revitalisation and appropriate use of land and/or buildings in established suburbs or inner-city areas.

Our Sponsor

UDIA Victoria Urban Renewal Award category sponsorship opportunity available for 2024. Please click here to enquire.


This award recognises projects that demonstrate revitalisation and appropriate use of land and/or buildings in established suburbs or inner-city areas.

There is no restriction on the type of uses or the inclusion of new elements provided they are integrated with the existing built elements.

Projects entered in the category must either retain some existing built elements on a site and/or demonstrate how the development has integrated within the existing built environment.

Important Information

  • The winner of this award may have the opportunity to represent Victoria in the UDIA National Awards.
  • You must hold a developer level UDIA Victoria membership in FY25 to enter your project into this category.
  • It is required that your project must be substantially developed by the time of judging or at least a component or stage of the project is substantially developed.
  • If you have a residential component to your project, the judging panel will need to be given access to the interior of at least one dwelling.

Completion Criteria for UDIA Judging

To adequately judge an entry for the UDIA Awards Program, entrants must provide to the Judging Panel sufficient evidence of the completion of a significant part of the project.

For example, single stage projects must show 40% of the development completed and sold or available for sale. Multistage projects must have at least one full stage completed and sold or available for sale, and other stages under development.

Projects entered into this category should be essentially complete.


PART 1: Project Information

  • Key project information
  • Executive Summary (max 300 words) – this highlights the features of the development with reference to the award category criteria

PART 2: Supporting materials

  • Project plans and maps
  • Press Releases and publicity requirements
  • 10 images of the project
  • Up to 10 Project Consultants

PART 2: Category Criteria

Each award category features its own mix of the criteria along with their explanations which can be found below.

Built Form and Architecture30%
Planning and Integration30%
Market Acceptance and Success20%