Short Courses

UDIA Victoria’s short courses range from online education sessions to half day intensive courses and one-day courses. and are designed for urban development graduates and professionals. They have been developed in collaboration with industry leaders and our UDIA members to provide practical knowledge on key policy changes and meet the demands of the industry.

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Half Day Courses

Half Day Courses

Planning Fundamentals

This UDIA Planning Fundamentals half day course will provide you with the opportunity to improve your knowledge of the key planning questions and challenges that you would like to explore.

This Session Covers

  • The planning context – why planning is important, and how an understanding of basic planning principles can add value to a development or subdivision project.  
  • Preparing planning permit applications – differences between preparing planning applications for development versus subdivision in terms of process and the important things to consider.  
  • Working with Council – understanding council officer perspectives on development and subdivision projects to help you  develop a positive relationship with council.  This topic will also cover some common key challenges when working with councils through the planning process.
  • Levies and charges – the basics of development and infrastructure contributions, GAIC, biodiversity contributions and tips on how these charges can work for your development.  
  • Policy changes – how the State government’s new Housing Statement is changing planning in Greenfields

Strategic Placemaking

The UDIA Strategic Placemaking half day course is ideal for anyone seeking to deliver quality urban outcomes through development.

Placemaking is a multidisciplinary approach to turning ordinary spaces into liveable, lovable places that people feel connected to.

For developers, strategic placemaking distinguishes individual projects from competitors and translates to higher price points. It also enhances an organisation’s reputation in the community.

Key Learnings

  • The theory of placemaking and successful place creation
  • Why strategic placemaking needs to be on the agenda for any development
  • Practical steps for when and how to apply place thinking
  • The social and economic benefits that can be achieved
  • Regional and international best practice examples of creating value through place and urban design

One Day Courses

Property Sales and Marketing

Explore the final stages of property development, focusing on how market research shapes a project, how to position your project, capture the brand and lock in a competitive sales advantage. Learn key strategies for community engagement, effective marketing strategies and operational considerations to maximize the value and success of development projects.

Planning in Victoria

Gain understanding of the different types of development applications, the process for approvals and the assessment criteria for planning approvals. Learn about the statutory and strategic planning framework in Victoria, time-frames, cost and the planning process.

Feasibility and Finiancing in Victoria

Explore the complexities of project feasibility and finance. From evaluating site viability to exploring financing options and conducting thorough due diligence, this session equips participants with the tools to make informed decisions and mitigate risks effectively.

Victorian Construction and Project Delivery

From construction procurement to project management techniques, this course offers practical wisdom and strategic approaches to navigate the complexities of bringing development projects to fruition and ensuring their success.

Enrol in Upcoming Masterclass Courses

Click here to view our upcoming Professional Development Courses Dates and enrol now to reserve your place.