UDIA Victoria is committed to achieving the vision of a truly diverse and inclusive sector.

Professional team members posing for photo

The current UDIA Victoria Advocacy Agenda is focused on housing affordability, population growth, investment certainty, planning efficiency, infrastructure provision and activating the tax system. Our Advocacy Agenda addresses each of these areas, relating them to three core pillars that touch the lives of every Victorian.

Our homes, which are the foundation of how we lead our lives and a primary contributor to the financial pressures affecting Victorians each day.

Our communities, which are changing rapidly, presenting new opportunities and challenges for current and future generations.

Our economic future, which is reliant on the property industry to fund and build the projects that continue to underpin Victoria’s liveability, economic growth and jobs pipeline.

The Advocacy Agenda outlines how UDIA Victoria is championing the needs of the urban development industry, who are working overtime to deliver the homes, jobs, infrastructure, services and amenities required now, and well into the future.

It describes how we are actively fostering purposeful partnerships and facilitating solution-based policy outcomes that will support the state, as we continue working with government and industry stakeholders to deliver on UDIA Victoria’s advocacy priorities.

UDIA Victoria is actively leading policy reform. We’re hopeful that with cross-sectoral and government collaboration, the urban development industry can build upon past successes and further enhance our ability to drive meaningful change that will advance the homes, communities, and economic future for all Victorians. 

UDIA Mentoring Program

This program is designed to encourage diversity in the property industry, connecting groups of like-minded professionals with a mentor to explore a range of topics through guided sessions. Participants have the opportunity to broaden their industry network as well as learn new skills and gain knowledge to progress as leaders in the urban development sector.

The real power is in the format of peer, or circle, mentoring, where participants benefit not just from the knowledge of the mentor but from 6-8 other professionals at a similar level from within the industry. The broad objective of the program is to increase confidence, knowledge and skills, in order to break down the barriers of participation and engagement.  

Participants walk away with an existing network and are empowered to develop career and leadership skills. To find out more click here.

UDIA Diversity Awards

UDIA Victoria places a high value on diversity within Australia’s development industry. As a member, you can help us recognise and encourage our industry’s diversity with the UDIA Diversity Award, which recognises outstanding women, young leaders, and companies.