UDIA Victoria Medium Density Development Award

Projects must have a coherent design with a relevant range of facilities within the development.

Our Sponsor

UDIA Victoria Medium Density Development Award category sponsorship opportunity is available for this year. Please click here to enquire.


This award recognises a developer who has demonstrated excellence in a medium density development.

Projects must be predominantly residential including small lot housing, villas, town houses, terrace homes, row housing, and apartment buildings and may incorporate commercial / retail components.

Important Information

  • The winner of this award may have the opportunity to represent Victoria in the UDIA National Awards.
  • Organisation must maintain a financial UDIA Victoria membership throughout the nomination process, judging, and the Awards for Excellence Ceremony
  • Entrants must ensure judges are able to walk through a completed dwelling during the site visit ensuring all necessary arrangements for this to occur.

Projects eligible for this award must:

  • have a dwelling density of a minimum of 30 dwellings per hectare
  • – be between 2 and 5 storeys in height (inclusive)
  • – be at practical completion.

Completion Criteria for UDIA Judging

To ensure fair assessment, entrants must provide sufficient evidence demonstrating substantial project completion.

Single-stage projects must have at least 40% completed and either sold or available for sale.

Multi-stage projects must have at least one full stage completed and sold or available for sale, with additional stages under development.

Projects in this category should be essentially complete.


PART 1: Project Information

  • Key project information
  • Please provide a summary (max 100 words) highlighting the key features of the development with reference to the award category criteria. This summary may be used as the citation at the Awards Ceremony

PART 2: Supporting Materials

  • Project plans and maps
  • Press Releases and publicity requirements
  • 10 images of the project
  • Up to 10 Project Consultants

Part 2: Category Criteria

  • Each award category features its own mix of the criteria along with their explanations which can be found below.
Built Form and Architecture30%
Planning and Integration30%
Market Acceptance and Success20%