Completing Your Entry Online

Visit: to begin your entry.

When submissions open you can visit the entry platform and create a login to begin your submission, you can come back to edit this as many times as you like until you submit.

From this log in you can also submit multiple submissions under your company log in, whether that be choosing several categories for one project, or multiple projects in the same category.

The online system will ask you to complete basic information regarding the project before you commence answering the specific criteria associated with your chosen category.

You will then be able to upload photos, videos and plans to compliment your submission.

Finally, you will complete an online declaration form and payment details to complete your submission.

All parts must be completed and finalised by the closing date at which point the website will be closed.

 Please read the following information carefully to ensure all required details are included. Incomplete entries may not be accepted.

Part 1: Project Information

1. Key project information – please include the information under the relevant headings:

  • Commencement date
  • Completion date
  • Current percentage completed
  • Overall density
  • Site size
  • Title – strata/community/torrens etc.
  • Range of lot sizes
  • Facilities – community/commercial etc.
  • Inclusions – quality, layout and design of external and internal finishes, fixtures and fittings
  • Stages – proposed and completed
  • Financial performance – range and selling price, completion within budget etc.
  • Project history – list any industry awards previously won for this project
  • List of top 10 key consultants, e.g. planner, surveyor, engineer, architect. The website will outline the format for providing this information.

2. Summary (max 100 words) – this highlights the features of the development with reference to the award category criteria. Please include the following:

  • The development starting date and completion date
  • The number of homes/units or floor meter space for commercial/retail buildings
  • The sale price points for the development (anticipated or actual)
  • The main points of innovation/difference in the development
  • The main development challenges overcome (or how it is intended to be overcome)
  • The signs of market success/interest (if marketing has begun)
  • When entering multiple categories please ensure the executive summary for each entry is tailored to address the category criteria.

3. Written responses addressing the judging criteria, please refer to the criteria table and explanations for further information.

Each of the criteria are weighted and this will be displayed as you move through your online submission along with word limits for the responses to each criterion. Please be as brief and succinct as possible in your responses.

4. Project plans and maps.  You will be prompted to upload these in JPEG or PDF format at the end of your submission.

  • Masterplan/site plan
  • Layout plans
  • Location plan (identifying local services and amenities where applicable, e.g. schools, parks, shops and community areas)
  • Elevations (where relevant)

Part 2: Supporting Visual Materials

1. Project plans and maps in JPEG or PDF format

  • Including masterplan/site plan, layout plans, location plan.

As a part of the file name, please state the project name and category entered,

e.g. Site plan, River View, Masterplanned Development

2. Press Releases and publicity requirements in WORD format

  • A press-ready 100-word and 200-word article describing the project’s excellence as relevant to the award category
  • An 800-word winner’s article assuming you have won the award highlighting project features and overall project excellence as relevant to the award category need to be supplied with all submissions.

3. 10 images of the project must be supplied in high resolution JPEG or PNG files

  •  All photos are required to be professionally taken.
  • Portrait/vertical shots need to be supplied in A4 size at 300 dpi
  • Landscape/horizontal photos need to be supplied in A3 size at 300dpi

Images will be used to produce the collateral and multi-media presentation for the awards, and for post-awards media coverage.  Please provide a range of images that capture the key elements of your project including a mix of interior and exterior shots.

As part of the file name, please number images 1 to 10 in order of preference. The file name should also state the project name, category entered, and a brief description of the particular image.

1. River View, Residential Development, public art

2. River View, Residential Development, detached housing

3. River View, Residential Development, public parkland

If you wish to provide additional images please note in the file names that they are Additional Images.

Part 3: Entry Form and Declaration With Payment

Please complete the entry and declaration form at the conclusion of your submission. Only one entry and declaration form is required even for multiple submissions.

Payment Details

Payment must be made at the time of completing your submission. The website features the SecurePay payment gateway

Fees – the web platform will automatically provide the correct price depending on date of submission and number of submissions:

Early Bird UDIA Awards Project Entry
(prior to Friday, 2 May 2025)
$1100 inc GST per submission
UDIA Awards Project Entry$1320 inc GST per submission
UDIA Awards People Entry $220 inc GST per submission