Media Release: Development industry action plan: Keeping Victorians in jobs

25 Mar 2020

, Media

UDIA Victoria Media Release

The Urban Development Institute of Australia, Victorian Division (UDIA Victoria) today released its COVID-19 Action Plan for the Government and the building, construction and development industry. The Action Plan cal for immediate Government action to keep Victorians in jobs during each phase of the state’s response to the coronavirus health crisis.

The housing industry is a fundamental plank of the Victorian economy. It employs hundreds of thousands of Victorians and contributes over 45% of the state’s taxation revenue.

“Our Action Plan is about keeping Victorians employed through immediate government action, to give the industry confidence to keep operating through this crisis. If we act now, the building, development and construction sector will be ready to kick back into top-gear and resuscitate the economy when the time is right,” said Danni Hunter, chief executive of UDIA Victoria.

“Now is the time to act. The Victorian Government has the ability to get in front of this economic crisis and we are calling on them to give our industry confidence by taking clear and deliberate action now, so the hundreds of thousands of Victorians employed in the sector stay employed and are ready to bounce back,” says Ms Hunter.

UDIA Victoria’s Action Plan covers three phases:
• Phase 1: Keep the industry operating as an Essential Service
• Phase 2: Focus on stimulus that drives demand for new homes
• Phase 3: Ensure the planning system can ramp up for recovery

“Building, development and construction sites must be maintained as an Essential Service to keep Victorians employed in our industry. Our economy depends on this; Victorian jobs depend on this,” said Ms Hunter.

“Government must keep its doors open for business, digitally and remotely, to give the building, construction and development industry the necessary confidence and future pipeline of work they need to keep hundreds of thousands of Victorians employed through this crisis.

“If we get this right, and if Government gives confidence to our sector how, it will mean secure employment for thousands of Victorians who work in the industry as well as in related service industries including planning, legal, financial, environmental management, engineering and consulting,” she said.

“Government can make decisions now to deliver real stimulus to the sector and minimise the economic damage
of this crisis. We want to see a new rapid decision-making approach for the planning system, increases to the First
Home Buyer Grant, government taxes and charges slashed to reduce the cost of housing, and a program of
investment for catalyst for our state. These are the kinds of actions that will make a difference,” said Ms Hunter

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Hyatt Nidam

Engagement and Communications Manager, UDIA Victoria


T: 03 9832 9600

M: 0478 415 105